Welcome to the digital home base of The Katnap Studio. I’m Kat, life-long maker by nature and founder of this forever-evolving creative endeavor. I love to play and experiment with various maker mediums. Currently, I have found a particular interest in working with clay as it allows me to form a 3-dimensional canvas from a lump of earth with which to further refine and embellish through seemingly infinite means. I have found ceramics to be a challenging, humbling, inspirational, therapeutic, and somewhat addictive craft, and so here we are.
The Katnap Studio is situated in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Western Oregon. I don’t have to venture far from my work space, sometimes only as far as my backyard, to discover the scenes and palettes often reflected in the shapes and imagery of my work. Creating in the studio allows me the pleasure of bringing the curious and whimsical, sometimes peculiar, aspects of my daydreams into the tangible realm to share.
Thank you for taking this moment of your day to peruse this space and the offerings captured within it. Through your exploration I hope you can join in the same delight I do when creating these sometimes strange and often lovely objects.